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Live Brave Night - Singapore Event

Back in March when I hadn’t been back in Singapore very long I decided to run an International Women’s day lunch. Which was pretty brave given I didn't have a job or very many prospects at the time. But it turned out great. The speakers were great, the venue was great and the food was great. My great intention had been to keep running events but life and stuff got a bit in the way. You know things like networking like a lunatic to get a job so we could stay in the country and pay the rent. So after getting a job then quitting a job and then getting another job, I feel like it was time to organise another event. Something to connect people. Something that would provide a way to have great conversations and something that would inspire. Something in the evening with lovely wine and food in a great space.


And then in August Margie Warrell and her family moved to Singapore from Australia. I met Margie in Byron Bay at the Business Chicks Movers and Breakers conference last year. She was the wonderful facilitator of the event and one of the people who I made sure I connected with through their social media, so I could keep in touch. It's how I knew she was moving to the little red dot!

After she arrived and her head had stopped spinning I met her at the Manhattan bar for a welcome to Singapore cocktail and chin wag, and I was hoping I could tempt her into speaking at my next event.

And I’m delighted to say she is!

I’m delighted for a number of reasons. I’m delighted because she is a great person that I know lots of people in Singapore will want to connect with. I’m delighted because her work is all about being brave and having courage and man don't we all need some help with that? I’m delighted because she is going to speak for 30-45 minutes on this topic. I’m delighted because she is going to bring along some of her bestselling books as lucky door prizes. And I’m delighted that I have secured an intimate and gorgeous venue with lovely wine and food. Don’t you think delighted is a great word?

I can’t wait to hear Margie’s wisdom because we all need a reminder and a push to live bravely. Sometimes this is about changing course in our career, or leaving a job that makes us unhappy, or ending a relationship that is holding us back, or moving countries. Sometimes we just feel stuck and sometimes we feel afraid. Sometimes we just need to say no, don’t we? (but you won’t want to say no to this....)

Do you want to come along? Do you like the sound of all that? I do. Did I mention there will be wine?

So where and when is this live brave event?

Wednesday 8 November at 13% Gastro Wine Bar Arrive from 6.30pm for a glass of bubbles, some nibbles and some great connections and conversations.

7.30pm Margie will take the floor Get your tickets here!